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Back button idea

Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:02 pm
by Mates-K1
Just an idea for discussion...

There is Back button om mass edit image page in gallery. When I click on it, I get page with "tabory". So it is about level up.

I think more expected behavior would be step to album edit page - to .../tabory/2003, not to .../tabory.

Back button from single image edit page links to mass edit image page.

Re: Back button idea

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 12:49 am
by stephenbillard
I understand what you are saying. But there is some ambiguity here. When you are on the single image edit it makes sense to have the back go to the parent album. The multiple image edit page could be considered as editing the album. In this case the back would go to the parent album.

I would be interested in other user's views on this.