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Display of Panorama photos

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 10:09 pm
by nerdykit
After a recent trip I've ended up with a nice panorama shot (as a jpg) that the excellent freeware Hugin software created for me from three images.

Now I'd like to display that along with other images in the same album that are more standard 2 x 3 format but I can't really figure out a good way to do that or even if it's possible to do with NPG.

So my jpg panorama image is in about 5 to 1 aspect ratio. If anyone has figured out how best to show off panoramas within NPG, I'd appreciate hearing about it.



Re: Display of Panorama photos

Posted: Mon May 20, 2019 3:31 am
by stephenbillard
I did a quick look and found a list of possibilities.

Since they are all jquery based I presume that they could be adapted to netPhotoGraphics without too much trouble. Hopefully they work with jQuery v3. I have not tried any of them. ... -Pano.html has sample coding that looks pretty simple. Maybe you can give it a try and see if it works. (If not maybe one of the other ones.)

Anyway, if you find one that does what you want, I am sure we can make it into a plugin. Do some research and put together a set of requirements for how things should display. Maybe non panorama will work just fine with these viewers. If not how should we deal with the differences? that sort of thing.

Then create a ticket with what you discover.

Re: Display of Panorama photos

Posted: Wed May 22, 2019 6:16 pm
by Mates-K1
Panorama plugin would be great. :idea:

Re: Display of Panorama photos

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 1:12 am
by nerdykit
The panorama viewer I have been able to use most easily is this one...

Simple-jQuery-Panorama-Viewer-with-Touch-Swipe-Support (board won't let me enter a link to it but it's from the jquery list posted above)

I can set up a standard html page pulling in the components and displaying my pano but I can't see any good way to incorporate it in with conventional images.

Yes a plugin would be great but I have no idea how to go about building one. I don't even know how to take my standalone page that displays my panorama and get that "inserted" into an existing album of conventional images.

Any guidance will be appreciated.


Re: Display of Panorama photos

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 6:49 pm
by stephenbillard
Here are some thoughts we might pursue. (I'm assuming that when you display the panorama it is contained within the boundaries of a "normal" image but allows panning.)

A plugin could attach to the "standard_image_htm" and "custom_image_html" filters. The processing for these filters would check the size (width) of the image and if it was cropped. If not cropped and the aspect ratio of the image was larger on the width size than the container it would insert the panorama JS.

Can you share the code you use to display the panorama? Then maybe I could knock together a plugin.