netPhotoGraphics version 2.0.17

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netPhotoGraphics version 2.0.17

Post by stephenbillard »

netPhotoGraphics version 2.0.17 provides support for PHP 8.1 and MySQL 8.

Please note that the changes from PHP 8.0 to PHP 8.1 include multiple instances where native PHP functions will now throw a deprecated error if they are passed NULL as a parameter. Unfortunately since passing NULL always worked as before and NULL is typically used to indicate a variable's value is not defined (as opposed to, for instance, being an empty string.)

There are a considerable number of places where netPhotoGraphics would pass a variable without checking. These now throw the deprecated error. There is no practical way to search for these instances. I have done considerable testing with PHP 8.1, so I believe that all main-line cases are fixed. But you may still get such a deprecated error. If so, please file a problem report so I can correct the case.
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