Language file handling

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Language file handling

Post by stephenbillard »

The current development release ( has provisions for placing language files into the user plugin folder locale folder (../plugins/locale,) It also deprecates the gettext_th and gettext_pl functions.

There are two purposes for these changes. First, some of the really out of date language files will be removed from the release. These files will be placed into the nPG language files repository. If in the future someone adopts one of these languages then it will be returned to the mainstream release.

The second purpose is to remove some of the issues with the theme or plugin specific translations. Simply put, if you created one of these, then the text from nPG functions did not necessarily get translated. Instead of having these files you can now merge your translations with the distributed translation file and place the result in the plugins/locale folder. It will override the distributed version of the files. (This will also improve performance of these themes/plugins since there was a lot of overhead in switching the language domain.)

I would appreciate responses back on what languages are actively being used so I can be sure not to remove any of them.
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