Anti-Spam maintenance

A forum for discussing possible new features or changes to netPhotoGraphics. But NOTE, only a formal request via the GitHub repository ticket system is tracked or responded to.
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Anti-Spam maintenance

Post by stephenbillard »

Recently I have installed a new anti-spam extension to the forum. We did have an old one, but it crashes on the new version of the Forum software. The new extension will cost me some dollars, but oh well. Better than having to deal with all sorts of spam mail

One thing the extension has shown is that there are multitudes of users who have posted spam on other sites (but not posted here.) The list is too big for me to rationally prof it to be sure that none of you are included. So, I request you post a reply to this message as a "check-in" so that I can remove users on the list with no posts.

If you get deleted by accident, I apologize.
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